Options for Holy Week

To all members of St. Matthew’s Congregation

‘Holy Week’

I do hope you were able to join in an act of worship on Palm Sunday.

It did seem very strange not been able to gather at St. Matthew’s, to celebrate our usual Palm Sunday Liturgy and Procession. Do continue to pray for Mother Helen’s recovery to full health.  I wonder what has happened to all the donkeys that are normally hired for Palm Sunday processions?

If you are not good at the some of the Social media such as Facebook, Twitter etc you can still worship by joining in services on the Radio or Television. For Palm Sunday there was a service on Radio 4 at 8.10 a.m; on the Television a service from Hereford Cathedral at 10.45 a.m. If you missed them you can watch again on BBC IPlayer.

At St. Matthew’s

Tuesday evening 8 p.m
Janice Price is preparing a service of ‘Compline’ which can be accessed by Zoom. If you would like to join, please email Janice .

I was due to preside at the Mass at St. Matthew’s at 10.00 a.m. this week but will now be presiding at home. Do link in with prayer:

  • Readings: Isaiah 50:4-9

  • Hebrews 12: 1-3

  • John 13: 21 -32.

More details will follow.                                    

This week on Radio

Every day

BBC Radio 4  @ 9.45 a.m - There is “The Passion in Plants” – today’s theme was – ‘Palm Sunday – Pussy Willows and the Yew.’

BBC Long Wave @ 10.45 a.m - the ‘Daily Service’

BBC Radio 3 @ 10.45 a.m - ‘Meditations from Monastries’


Radio 3 @ 3.30 p.m - Choral Evensong – ‘Vespers from Westminster Cathedral’

Good Friday

BBC Radio 2 @  8pm - ‘At the Foot of the Cross’

BBC Radio 4 @ 3pm - ‘Good Friday Meditation’

There may well be other services on other channels too.

At the Cathedral

Services are being celebrated by Bishop Christopher at Bishop’s House, co-ordinating with the Cathedral for the Great Three Days from Maundy Thursday onwards.

Maundy Thursday @ 11 a.m

The Chrism Eucharist at which the Bishop leads the clergy in their renewal of their ordination vows and blesses the oils for ministry.

Good Friday

@ noon
The Dean will lead the Stations of the Cross

@ 3.pm Bishop Christopher will read the Passion from the chapel in Bishop’s House for the Diocese and then say prayers before the Cross.

Further details to follow as to access.

Online Services

May you have a spiritual uplifting Holy Week as you join in worship in this rather unusual way. Remember, we are united with all Christians around the world as we follow Jesus on his road to the Cross but also to his Glorious Resurrection on Easter Day.

Mother Cynthia