
Services at St Matthew's are held in the Anglo-Catholic tradition of the Church of England. Said Mass is a quiet reflective service of Holy Communion and is said on Wednesday mornings at 10am and on Sunday at 8am. Our main Sunday worship is a sung mass at 9.30am. It is a sung Eucharist, with hymns, psalms, a sermon and a choir.

Here at St Matthew’s Church we’re excited to see so many families with young children. Our Children's Worship programme is run alongside our main Sunday service and for those parents with babies, our nursery room at the back of church is always open.

Mass for All Ages

On the first Sunday of the month, the whole church family worships together in a Mass for All Ages. The service is easier for the children to follow and the talk is aimed at all ages. Sometimes other Sundays are also aimed at all ages - for example Mothering Sunday - and this is announced in advance in our weekly news sheet and is detailed in our calendar.

Service Times

08.30 Morning Prayer

08.30 Morning Prayer
10.00 Said Mass followed by refershments

08.30 Morning Prayer

08.30 Morning Prayer

08.00 Said Mass
09.30 Sung Mass followed by refershments